
Monday, June 6, 2011

My first nail art contest submission

I'm always reluctant to join nail art contest because im not good compare to other contestant and i dont think i stand a chance to win. But this time I've decided to take part in a inspired nail art contest organize by Swaafie. And this is my entry:

My inspiration came from my boyfriend's fav stuff toy called Kit from "Skelanimal" (

They each have a story of their own on how they died, which is sad and touching at the same time. But one thing they all share in common is a lovely heart and funny personality. I had alot of fun doing this and hope you like it as well =D
Please also check out other contestant's entry here, there are alot of very cool design especially the Bengal tiger design.  If you think my design is qualify to enter the top 6, please vote for me and I would send you my kiss *muaks* =D
Thank you >.<


  1. Awww so cute and very beautiful nails hon. I'll definitely vote for ya! :)

  2. My gosh this is beautiful ! I wish I could do this . I'll be voting for you !

  3. Wow! How can you say you have no chance to win? These are amazing! O.O I wish I could do something like this. (You made me want to own all these plushies, by the way :D) I'll definitely vote for you :)

  4. tooo cuuuuuute!!! i love skelanimals!

  5. you're crazy to think you're not as good! all your nails are awesome!

  6. I love you ... always and forever *Luther Vandross style :P

    You got my vote! Can we make this a popularity contest instead? No no, I will try to keep it on an even keel

    I want your kiss first, no sloppy seconds LOL

  7. I love skelanimals and your nails look fabulous~!!! I have kit also it was a gift from my hubby!! :D But I want them all hehe... And You are getting my vote~!! :D *hugs*

  8. Good luck! Your design is amazing like always! LOVE it!

  9. I visited to the contest page from someone else's blog, but I voted for this design too without knowing it was done by you XD This is super cute!!! You drew much cuter than the originals;D

  10. You got a vote and a new follower from me. I thought your design was gorgeous, I loved it :)

  11. Girl, stop it right now.
    You're not good compared to other contestants?!?! Seriously, your nail art is some of my favorite in the whole blogosphere, true story. Give yourself more credit!

    And this is a really cute design! I love the glittery blue you used. n_n

  12. Google is acting weird I can't log in.

    But this is sooooo cute I love it!

  13. So cute <3
    Can you do batman or naruto design on your nails? ;)

  14. "because im not good"....are you kidding? You're like one of the best at nail art I've seen!

    Voted for you ;)

  15. Aw, I love this! I actually already voted for you before even I knew it was your design!

  16. OMG you are amazing. I could only wish i could do my nails as good as you...i would suggest a tutorial but even with a step by step guide i don't think i could ever recreate your design

    -im going to check out the contest (not to enter but to vote)

    good luck.

  17. ok i take that back...i'm too late to vote.
    but you did make top 6 so congratulations !
