
Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Glitter Bomb spring nail art

Ahh, my glitter-addict-disorder is back after so many months. Its been awhile since I last did glitter nail design, and I missed having glitters all over the place. >.< Flowers are not my thingy and I'm not good at drawing flowers. =/ (still practicing =D)

Do you Love or hate glitters??


  1. This is incredible! So detailed O_o I love glitter, so this really appeals.

  2. I always love a good glitter bomb! My favorite is the look on the top mani far right. I love the combo of glitter background and script. :)

  3. i loooooooooooooove glitter!! and i love these designs!

  4. wow woW wOW WOW!!!! These are sooooo pretty~:D I love glitters and I AM addicted to glitters too~XD The flowers and a butterfly are really cute!!

  5. WOW. This is stunning. Incredible designs. I love glitters, but they're such a pain to remove that I hate them a little haha. xxx

  6. I have a love/hate relationship with glitter. I like glass-fleck that almost looks like glitter, but when it comes to mostly just glitter, I shy away from it. These designs are great!

  7. super cuuute! glitters are secretly my favorite! hahaha

  8. These are so cute and cheerful!! Great job, girl!

    I love glitters...I am the glitter ho of the world. n___n

  9. I looove glitters on my nails... and clothes!!! XD
    The only problem is remove them...

  10. These mani's are absolutely awesome! Love all those glitters!

  11. they are amazing!! you are very talented! my fave one is the first manicure!!
    good luck on removing ;D

  12. Those manis are amazing! And yeah, I totally love glitter! Can you list me all the glitters that you used in those manis?? 'Coz I just love them -especially the pink glitter...and the blue...all of them *w*!!

  13. Adorable mani! I love glitter too it's so much fun!

  14. These are just perfect for spring!! I like your flowers ;)

    I really have to stop saying I don't like glitters because I own way to many for that to be true. I will just call myself picky and "deal" with them when they're super awesome. BUT ... removal (foil methode or not) makes my ass chaffe. :p

  15. Thank you soooo much for all the lovely comments!!! I love you guys!!

    Seems like everyone loves glitters like i do, but definitely not the removing part. Hahaha, loodie I do understand how you feel, I tried not to be picky when it comes to glitters, but some of them is just not worth it!

  16. So cute! I love the way glitters look, but hate taking them off!
