
Monday, January 10, 2011

Valentine's Day nail #3

 Valentine's Day nail #3

I had this inspiration from Lady Gaga music video Bad Romance where she wore a silver dress with a lot of crystals on. So i used OPI DS Coronation and light pink but the holographic doesn't really show on the photo.  =(

Ah, and don't forget today is the last day for my 1st giveaway. and the second giveaway is coming soon, maybe sometime this week or next week!! *wink* And for those of you who could't find the "enter" button and posted on the comment section instead, I've had entered you in the form so don't worry.


  1. :) I love Lady Gaga Inspired nails!

  2. Those nails are great! You're an artist ^^

  3. Omg, these'll look great in full on sunlight *-*~
    I did the golden leaf design :)
    (Except with blue x3)

  4. Thank you!!!

    @AnnKiins': Do you mind showing me the nails?? i would like to see how it looks like with blue.
