
Friday, July 29, 2011

piCture pOlish Blog fest- Flirt

Thanks to the Canada postal strike, all my mails had been delayed including this package from piCture pOlish. But I'm glad that it arrived in the mailbox in one piece this morning.

About piCture pOlish,

piCture pOlish was created when two girls dream't of giving their family & friends a thank you gift that would capture a special occasion. What better way to relive a moment than with a personalised nailpolish, that was quirky & vibrant, that stands out from the rest!
 piCture pOlish has now grown to include our own brand, with a beautiful range of fashion forward colours. Every shade tells a story!

I was given the opportunity to participate in this blog fest and the shade that I get to review is called Flirt. (Warning you may get loads of attention!!) Like the description says, its a HOT and SPICY color especially for summer! Under the sunlight it appears to be bright pink, but in the shade it looks like dark pink/purple. 

This is my first piCture pOlish polish and I have to say I'm very impressed with how smooth the application is. The only problem I had is that the drying time takes a bit too long. Other than that, this bright neon pink only requires 2 coats and dries matte.

After applying a coat of black and silver shatter and a layer of glitter polish after 2 coats of Flirt, the color stands out even more!

How can I not do some nail art using this shade? >.< Some hand-drawn roses and lace to give it a sweet princess look.

You can purchase this from their website here for $9.90 and they do ship internationally too!

 Misty approved this color!! <3


Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My Melody nail art

Long long long overdue post, I know I know >.< but I had to finish all my assignments and exam before I have time to do nail art. So forgive me *wink* So, this was a request from Minnie from Mini Nail Blog, My Melody. Unfortunately, my hand became rusty after I stopped drawing a few weeks ago and it was shaking alot. And thats why My Melody looks like a snowman. Sigh.

Rainbow glitters(again), just because I LOVE glitters. ^_^

Thats all for now!! and the next in line would be Crayon Shin Chan. So stay tune, LOL!

Giveaway winner!

And the winner is~~~~*Drum roll*

I've already sent you an email, so please forward your mailing address so I could send you the prizes as soon as possible. Or else a new winner will be selected. >.<
Thank you for joining my giveaway. There would be more giveaway coming soon, so stay tune. *wink*